Keep safety in mind and take precautions -- the group headquarters organizes fire drills on the theme of safety month

?Since the launch of the safety month, the concept of "safety is heaven" has been firmly and effectively implemented on all fronts of the group, and the group has presented a good atmosphere of "everyone stresses safety and everything is safe". At the time of the full launch of the safety month, in order to further consolidate the results of the activities, strengthen the main responsibility consciousness of enterprise fire safety, continue to popularize fire knowledge, enhance the group's ability to deal with emergencies and escape from fire accidents, ensure the personal and property safety of the group's personnel and reduce the losses caused by fire accidents. On the morning of June 21, the HSE department of the group and the administration department organized the 2022 fire emergency evacuation and fire fighting drill of the group headquarters.

Gejiacheng, President of the group, was in charge of the drill and acted as the chief emergency commander. Sunning, the HSE director, and tanchangyan, the administrative director, served as the Deputy emergency commander in chief, and set up a fire-fighting action group, a first-aid and communication group, an evacuation guidance group, a logistics and rescue group and a publicity group, with clear division of labor and in place responsibilities. The exercise was strongly supported by the fire squadron of Chengyang District, and fire trainers were arranged to guide the exercise.

At 9:30 that day, in front of the headquarters office building, the skills training for volunteer firefighters began first. Fire trainers provide professional guidance and training to volunteer firefighters including headquarters security guards and R & D security officers. The trainers' explanations were professional and accurate, and the firefighters listened carefully and implemented in place. The hailier people's execution and spirit of not fearing difficulties they showed moved the trainers.

At 10:00 a.m., with the alarm bell ringing, the safety drill officially started. Wang Yuliang, the chef of the restaurant, found that there was smoke and open fire in the restaurant on the lower floor of the headquarters. He immediately informed tanchangyan, the group's executive director, and the security guard on duty of the fire, calling for rescue. After that, he immediately started to put out the fire with a portable fire extinguisher.

General manager tanchangyan immediately led the security guards on duty to the scene and began to put out the fire with fire extinguishers. However, when he found that the fire was getting bigger and bigger, he immediately called 119 to call the police, and reported the on-site situation to the emergency commander-in-chief and Deputy commander-in-chief. The commander-in-chief and Deputy Commander-in-Chief issued an order: "start the fire emergency plan immediately."

Lizhenghai, the emergency repair team, forced the elevator of the headquarters office building to the first floor, locked the elevator, and then went to the fire pump room to start the fire pump.

Dongguixiu, the communication group, started the fire broadcast, informed all personnel in the office building to evacuate immediately, and kept an eye on the changes of the fire through the monitoring screen, so as to report in time. At the same time, the evacuation commander of each department shall immediately evacuate the personnel of each floor, and remind the personnel to bend down and move forward when evacuating, hold a towel and clothes to protect their mouth to prevent smoke, and remind each floor not to take the elevator.
All the staff were calm in the face of danger and quickly transferred to the assembly point under the headquarters office building. The evacuation guidance group shall count the personnel of each department and immediately report the evacuation and counting to the commander in chief and deputy commander in chief.

At the same time, professional firefighters led the fire extinguishing team to assemble immediately, connect the fire hose with the fire hydrant, and use the fire hydrant to extinguish the fire.

Under the overall command of the emergency team, the evacuees were tense and orderly, and the firefighters were busy and orderly.

As the fire was effectively controlled, sunning, the group's HSE director, delivered a speech on behalf of the emergency headquarters. Sunning made the group's employees deeply aware of the destructive nature of the fire and its adverse effects, and put forward three requirements: first, attach great importance to and enhance their awareness; second, special training and capacity improvement; third, improve facilities and build a strong defense line.

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Finally, the fire police carried the fire extinguisher on site as a demonstration, explaining the use methods and precautions of the fire extinguisher while extinguishing the fire, and the importance of fighting the initial fire. Subsequently, employees from all departments of the group headquarters who have not used fire extinguishers practiced one by one.

This fire evacuation drill has improved the overall fire awareness of employees, improved the ability to deal with fire emergencies, laid a good foundation for the construction of the group's safe working environment, and made the safety concept more popular.