In 2023, the 2023 Oath Master Conference of the Domestic Preparation Marketing Center of the Group was solemnly held.

On February 4, 2023, the 2023 swearing-in meeting of the Group 's domestic preparation marketing center was solemnly held at the Wyndham Hotel in Xinjiang. The chairman of the group, Ge Yaolun, the president, Ge Jiacheng, attended the meeting with senior management team and senior consultants. All the members of the domestic preparation marketing center witnessed the event.

The conference was chaired by Guo Jianfeng, Deputy General Manager of Hailir Agricultural Materials, focusing on the theme of " focusing on channels and strong services, steady growth of technology marketing, " and closely following the idea of " adhering to long-termism and creating core values. " Hailir, Audis, Kaiyuanxiang, Xiannong, Taigaweide, Garmet, Haikangfeng / Huaxitian, Haikuolisi, Hailir Plant Protection and other brand teams were unveiled one by one. At the meeting, all the participants studied the corporate culture together, and built the soul of Hailer with culture. Subsequently, the whole staff watched the video and reviewed the wonderful struggle moments of the domestic preparation marketing center since Chunqi and the past year.

In the spring of 2023, through a large number of high-quality distribution meetings, the steady growth of performance was achieved. Taking this opportunity, the conference commended the best performance of each brand, such as Hailir 's Wang Jun and Bi Cong, Audis ' Chen Shuai and Li Fan, Kaiyuanxiang 's Liu Yongtian and Li Xingang, Haikuolisi 's Zhou Zhun and Liu Lepeng, Tiger Wade 's Yu Bin and Ma Zhonghao. Shu Zhaobin, chairman, president and domestic preparation marketing director of the group, presented awards to outstanding family members.

The year of 2023 is a new starting point. With the recovery of market vitality and tension, Hailer marketing generals put forward " emphasizing value contribution and performance growth. " In order to resolutely grasp the main line of three strategies and eight measures, the general manager, regional manager, provincial manager and regional manager are sent to the stage to share the marketing objectives and landing action planning of 2023 and February, March and April. The statements of the delegates reflect the original intention, and the warm applause confirms the determination. Subsequently, Hu Quansheng, Shu Qiong and Dong Samsung, senior consultants of the group, guided the work of Chunqi from different angles and gave marketing soldiers encouragement.

Summarizing the statements of the three consultant teachers, the agricultural industry is the most sunny industry at present, and Hailer is the best platform in the industry. Especially during the one-week spring and winter training, the marketing soldiers visited the Hengning Intelligent Factory, Teng Runxiang Detection Center, etc., and saw the development strength and future development layout of Hailir, and felt more responsibilities when they were full of confidence. Helier called for true heroes. In order to motivate the marketing soldiers to sprint to the goal, the conference set up a challenge elite list, and gave different amounts of cash rewards to complete the annual indicators in advance from April to June. Challengers have taken the stage to sign, accept the challenge, high morale, full of confidence. There are dreams in my heart and movements under my feet. I believe that the challengers will live up to their dreams and win excellent results. The chairman of the group, the president, and Shu Zhaobin took office to witness this inspiring moment with the challengers.

This vow is an important part of the group 's domestic preparation marketing spring start action. Through the one-week spring start winter training since January 29, the marketing soldiers have learned the crops, mastered the products, practiced the plan, understood the strategy, and clarified the direction. The next 100 days of agricultural materials sales, only struggle and struggle. In order to better motivate the whole staff to achieve the goal, under the supervision of the president, the brand leaders and Shu Zhaobin signed a gambling agreement with the 100-day military command and the team that achieved the goal to obtain a cash reward of 10,000 yuan, and carried out a solemn flag ceremony. The scene was passionate, and the teams shouted for themselves.

Subsequently, all the marketing management cadres solemnly swore to the chairman and president of the group : to pursue dreams with ingenuity, to work hard to build a team that understands agriculture, loves the countryside and loves farmers for life, and to live up to the expectations of leaders and colleagues. The sonorous and powerful momentum and the determination to achieve the mission interpret the courage and confidence of the iron army in the domestic preparation marketing center.?
At the meeting, the representatives of the group 's logistics system executives made a statement, and promised to provide logistical support for all marketing soldiers to ensure that they fully supported the goal of domestic preparation soldiers.

At the moment when all the soldiers are about to go on the expedition, Shu Zhaobin, director of the domestic preparation marketing center, asked the domestic preparation marketing soldiers not only to formulate detailed goal planning, but also to clearly see our problems and shortcomings, in-depth reflection and summary, formulate effective actions and measures, and actively respond to the president 's call for comprehensive and high-quality development at the annual meeting. Reject mediocrity, high-quality development, and issue a general offensive order : people are right, the world is right ; with the heart together, it is done. Wish you a victory ! All is well ! Wait for your triumphant return !

At the meeting, the chairman of the group made an important speech. The chairman pointed out that the beginning of spring marks a good beginning. The plan for one year lies in spring. Only by starting again can we create glory again. For the new year, the chairman of the board of directors put forward several propositions : one is to look at the heart, to open the heart, start from the heart, not to meet the expectations of the family, not to live up to the heavy trust of the industry ; the second is to strengthen confidence, believe in Hailir 's methods, Hailir 's resources, Hailir 's brand, and give full play to product advantages, resource advantages, and platform advantages ; third, we should pay attention to added value and strive to achieve sustainable growth. Finally, the chairman stressed that we must be grateful to customers, so that customers have more intimacy and attention to Hailir. Finally, the chairman of the marketing staff to cheer, looking forward to the marketing staff 's return at the end of the year to drink celebration wine ! '

In the warm applause, group president Ge Jiacheng made a summary speech. The president pointed out that people 's spirit determines the work status, implementation and results, and marketing personnel should promote the goal through solid promotion and active and extensive docking. The president analyzed the current situation. Many companies ' performance declined or even disappeared due to the impact of the epidemic and the external environment, but Hailer still maintained rapid growth. The President emphasized our mission. We have been providing guarantee for the national food security harvest and serving the world 's agriculture. We must lift our spirits and add down-to-earth actions. In daily communication, more communication, more active thinking, more responsible for good results, we will surely achieve our 2023 and long-term strategic goals. Based on this, the President put forward several requirements : First, the team to enhance the supervisor to cultivate a good, good training team ; second, personal growth, all staff should strengthen self-learning and self-improvement ; three is the channel construction, the customer is our carrier, to find ways to do a good job in the channel, good customer service, help customers grow. President? wishes you every victory in every battle, in 2023 grand vision, by leaps and bounds !?
Finally, the whole court stood up, turned on the flashlight of the mobile phone, and sang ' Good Morning, Hailir ', which meant that Hailir 's marketing soldiers went on a smooth expedition and had a happy career. The conference ended successfully in a loud song. At about 18 o 'clock in the evening, the whole staff held a dinner party to celebrate the marketing talents and celebrate the performance of Changhong in 2023.?
This conference is the first centralized oath meeting of the Group 's domestic preparation marketing center in the past three years since the outbreak of the epidemic. Concentric cohesion, create a win-win situation ; firm confidence, mission will reach ! This oath meeting opened a good situation for domestic preparation marketing, improved team morale and enhanced team confidence. It is believed that in 2023, under the leadership and care support of the chairman of the board of directors, the domestic pharmaceutical marketing staff will unswervingly move towards the field and tackle tough problems.
