The military training of the group 's 2023 new employees ended successfully.

? ? ? ?In order to better shape an excellent team of employees with excellent quality, good style, diligence and pragmatism, hard-working, and able to win the battle, the group 's 2023 new college students ' training for a week of military training kicked off on July 3rd.At 17 : 45 p.m.on July 8th, all the staff conducted a military training review ceremony, and the 2023 new employee military training ended successfully.??
? ? ? The new college students are from the R & D center of the group headquarters, the international business center, the domestic preparation marketing center, the Shandong Hailir factory, the Hengning factory and the Teng Runxiang. From the chairman of the first day of military training to the on-site welcome speech, the new staff basketball game shows the hard work ; from the baking in the hot sun to the unimpeded persistence, the new employees are not afraid of hardship and tiredness. In the training process, they reflect the spirit of the sword, excellent quality and excellent style.??
? ? ? In order to test the results of a week 's training, at 17 : 45 p.m.on July 8, all the new military training employees conducted a training review ceremony. The group president Ge Jiacheng went to the site of military training review. The leaders of the judges who participated in the military training review ceremony and the leaders of the employment departments of the new employees were Wang Liangqing, the group 's chief engineer and director of the R & D center, Feng Hong, the executive director of Shandong Hailir Chemical, Mao Zhijian, the general manager of Hengning Biotechnology Co., Ltd., Shi Changguo, the group 's human resources director, Fu Ming, the general manager of Qingdao Odis Agricultural Materials, and Yan Wanjing, the general manager of Teng Runxiang.

? ? ? ?At the inspection ceremony, each company conducted a demonstration in turn. There is still water on the road that has just rained heavily. The instructors issued passwords. The new employees turned around again and again, marching and stopping again and again. The water splashed the shoes and pants and legs. Everyone turned a blind eye to follow the password to perform the action. Behind the uniform and sound action is a huge effort and effort.??
? ? ? ?'Ancient people who make great achievements, not only have the talent of transcending the world, but also have the perseverance. Military training not only cultivates people 's hard-working spirit, but also can hone people 's unswerving will. Through this military training, standing posture, practicing rotation, kicking forward, practicing marching, etc., in the repeated actions of boring machinery, under the hot high temperature weather or sudden rainstorm, new employees have learned to correct their attitudes, correct their positions, persevere, and challenge themselves. They do not speak conditions, do not find excuses, and are not afraid of hardship. They are fierce, prohibitive, and dare to shine. The collective action reflects the team consciousness of the whole staff, and the training also makes the students understand that without everyone 's efforts, there can be no such a loyal and strong fighting team.??
? ? ? ?See everyone to follow the command, discipline, action quickly and calm, rapid response, dare to fight, courage to struggle, break through the limit, integrity, youth, and these are the excellent spiritual quality of the Hailir people. In the firm pace of the new employees, sonorous and powerful slogan, we firmly believe that the good future of ' Hailir ' will belong to them.

? ? ? After scoring by the judges, the final one and three companies won by virtue of their good mental outlook and neat and neat movements, and were rated as excellent teams. At the same time, combined with the individual performance of daily military training and the standardization of training movements, this military training also selected the excellent individual award, and the group leaders awarded the awards to the winning team and excellent individuals one by one.

? ? ? ?Excellent individual as a representative to speak, he said he was glad and honored to come to Hailir, military training to hone their own will, and during the training group chairman and colleagues to give thanks for the care, he said : ' in this military training, we obey the instructor management, strict and hard training, not afraid of hardship is not afraid of tired, persistent, after the wind and sun, in the process of unity and cooperation, mutual help, go all out to achieve the highest training standard action, hope that through training to improve their quality, I think through this military training, we will be unforgettable, will also help us grow better in life. '

? ? ? ?The leaders of the employing departments who participated in the review made a statement afterwards. Audis Agricultural Materials Fuming pointed out to the new employees that the personnel of the domestic preparation marketing center should practice the ' third revolution ' proposed by the chairman after they took up their posts. Unswervingly go to the field to serve the market first-line work direction, Shandong Hailir Feng Hong said ' Welcome to Shandong Hailir, as long as you come, I will serve you ! A simple sentence is a loud promise ; hengning Biological Mao Zhijian has drawn a blueprint for Hengning : ' Hengning Biology is an important raw drug production base of the group, which will become a benchmark in the chemical industry. I hope you will come to Hengning and contribute to the construction of a world-class agrochemical benchmark enterprise ! ' ; teng Runxiang Yan Wanjing said : ' Hailir is a loving enterprise, Teng Runxiang is a new experimental unit, the addition of new colleagues will inject new vitality into Teng Runxiang and the company, ' in order to express expectations for the arrival of new colleagues ; wang Liangqing, the Group 's R & D center, is based on the cutting-edge and scientific and technological strength of Hailir 's technology, encouraging everyone to continue to learn in the future to inject new impetus into technological innovation ; the group 's human resources center Shi Changguo always affirmed the excellent performance of everyone in the past week, and encouraged everyone to maintain the fine style of military training in the next training and learning, make continuous progress and improvement, quickly integrate into the company, and become a real excellent Hailir.

? ? ? ?At the end of the review, the group president made a summary speech in the warm applause of the whole audience. The president proposed that ' choosing a company suitable for yourself will be an important milestone in your career in the next few decades '. The president pointed out the direction for everyone with the advantages of the industry. He said that agriculture is the basic industry of our country, especially in the current special period. Agriculture has become an important consideration in our country. The state advocates ' returning forest to farming ' and strongly supports agricultural development, which shows the correctness of everyone 's choice of agriculture.

? ? ? ?President? firmly believes in the advantages of the platform. Hailer is one of the few companies in the industry with very clear and upward development prospects, and has achieved a leading position in the same industry. At the same time, Hailir is still making continuous efforts at the R & D end and the production end, setting a benchmark for the industry and leading the industry, which also confirms the correctness of everyone 's choice of Hailir.??
? ? ? ?The president called on everyone to show their own advantages and gain a bright life through efforts. The president stressed that the moment is the first important node in the career of new employees, and encourages everyone to work steadily. We must not only look up to the sky with higher goals, but also down-to-earth and solid learning and implementation in place. President? warned everyone to cherish the platform and opportunities, to do well by yourself, to have requirements for yourself, and to constantly improve yourself.??
? ? ? ?The whole audience gave a warm applause to the president 's speech, especially when the president said the last sentence, ' Come on ! When the new employees shouted ' Come on ! To express resonance and excitement of the mood.??
? ? ? ?This military training aims to hone strong will, improve comprehensive quality, cultivate team spirit, and prepare new employees for the field and the front line of work.

? ? ? Wind and rain, only for a better start. It is believed that all new employees will take the earnest advice and expectation of the chairman of the group, look up to the sky to set high goals while focusing on learning and practicing, quickly improve their professional ability, and contribute to the brilliant performance of the group and the development of the industry !